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Vorbericht zur Karel de Geus Muntveilingen BV Auktion 60 vom 6. bis 7. Mai 2025

Karel de Geus

Das niederländische Auktionshaus Karel de Geus in Veldhoven (NL) versteigert in der diesjährigen Frühjahrsauktion vom 6. bis 8. Mai zahlreiche Lose mit Münzen, Medaillen und Banknote des In- und Auslands. Versteigert werden vor allem Münzen der Antike, insbesondere griechische Münzen. Aber auch qualitätvolle Weltmünzen sind im Angebot. Die Besichtigung des Auktionsgutes in den Geschäftsräumen ist ab dem 6. April nur nach Vereinbarung möglich.

1602 Circa late 4th-3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm [14,07 gm, 25,50 mm]. Imitating an issue of Philip II of

Macedon from Amphipolis. Laureate head of Zeus to right / ΦΙΛΠΠΟΥ, young jockey, holding palm

frond in his right hand and reins in his left, riding horse to right; below horse, Λ above torch; below

foreleg, dolphin right. Dembski 960 var. (reverse legend); Flesche 642 var. (reverse legend); Lanz 359-

60 var. (reverse legend). Göbl OTA 14; Leu Numismatik Web Auc. 20, lot 165 (same dies). VF. 220

1604 Circa 344-334 BC. AR Nomos [7,78 gm, 20,75 mm]. Naked horseman dismounting left, holding small

round shield and lance; T below / TAPA-Σ behind, Taras astride dolphin left, holding crested helmet in

right hand, left hand at side; I and waves below. Fischer-Bossert 654 (V252/R506). Fresh dies, toned

1607 Circa 325/0-315 BC. AR Nomos [7,79 gm, 22,90 mm]. Nude youth on horseback right, crowning horse; ΣA to left; below, owl standing left, head facing; -| below horse’s raised foreleg / Phalanthos, holding kantharos, on dolphin left; H to left, ΣA below. Fischer-Bossert group 65, 801 (V315/R621); Vlasto 664. Attractively toned, gVF. 300

1614 Circa 280 BC. AR Nomos [7,91 gm, 21,10 mm]. Youth on horseback right, crowning horse; ΣA to left,

APE/ΘΩN in two lines below / ΤΑΡΑΣ, Phalanthos, holding tripod, riding dolphin left; CAΣ below. Vlasto

666-7. Toned EF. 400

1620 Circa 272-240 BC. AR Nomos [6,26 gm, 19,80 mm]. Youth on horseback left, crowning horse with

wreath; ΣY behind, ΛYKI/NOΣ in two lines below / Phalanthos, hurling trident, riding dolphin left; to right,

owl standing left, head facing. Vlasto 836-841. EF. 400

1623 Circa 540-510 BC. AR Nomos [7,40 gm, 24,45 mm]. META, barley ear/ Incuse barley ear. Noe Class VI; HN Italy 1479. A bit porous, gVF. 300

1625 AR Tetradrachm [17,43 gm, 25,50 mm]. Struck circa 450-440 BC. Charioteer driving quadriga right;

above, Nike flying right, crowning hoses; in exergue, ketos right / Head of Arethousa right, wearing

tainia; four dolphins around. Boehringer Series XVIb, 570 (V286/R391); BMC 94 (same dies). EF. 2.000

1628 Circa 300-289 BC. AR Tetradrachm [17,06 gm, 24,70 mm]. Head of Herakles right,

wearing lion skin headdress / Horse’s head left; palm tree to right, club to left; ‘Njmhmf’ below. Jenkins, Punic 298. EF. 1.500

1632 Before 405 BC. AR Tetradrachm [17,35 gm, 24,75 mm]. ΜΑΙ, fast quadriga driven right by nymph

Himera; above Nike flying to left to crown her with right hand, while holding with her left a tablet

inscribed MAI; hippocamp left in exergue / IMEPAION (retrograde), the nymph Himera, wearing kiton

and peplos, standing to front and facing left; she holds patera in right hand sacrificing over altar with

square horns, while her left arm is extended with open hands; tot he right bearded Satyr facing, bathing

in fountain basin, water emanating from a spout in the shape of a lion’s head, II In exergue,. Rizzo pl.

XXI, 23 (these dies); Kraay-Hirmer pl. 22,71 (these dies); C.A. Biucchi, Q. Tic 17, 1988, 22 (these dies);

Gutmann-Schwabacher 20 (these dies); C. Boehringer, Essay Kraay-Mørkholm, Himera im IV

Jahrhundert V. Chr., pl. VII, 9 (these dies). Lustrous, superb EF. 2.500

1637 A R Tetradrachm [17,41 gm, 22,70 mm]. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving slow quadriga to right; above, Nike flying to left, crowning charioteer with wreath / Head of Arethusa right, wearing

double-hook earrings and necklace, hair enveloped in sakkos drawn together at top and decorated with

a maeander pattern four dolphins and [ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ] around. Boehringer 699 (V326/R441). Few

deposits, toned aEF. 1200

1640 AV Dekadrachm [4,26 gm, 15,50 mm]. Head of Kore-Persephone left with ear-pendants and pearl

necklace, behind: star / ΙΕΡΩΝΟΣ, biga galloping left; below the horses, E. Pozzi 651. Minor die rust,

small mark on edge, virtually as struck. 3.000

1647 AV Stater [8,62 gm, 19,25 mm]. Pella mint. Struck 323-315 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right /

ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, galloping biga driven right by charioteer holding whip; thunderbolt below horses. Le Rider p.

174, 427, pl. 66 (D193/R316); SNG Oxford 2444 (same obverse die). Few marks and tests, gVF. 1.200

1659 C irca 370-360. AR Drachm [6,12 gm, 19,70 mm]. [ΛΑΡΙΣΑ], head of the nymph Larissa left, hair bound at the top of her head, wearing triple-pendant earring and pearl necklace / ΛΑΡ-Ι -ΣΑΙ-ΩΝ, bridled horse trotting right, tail in a curl; beneath, in very small letters, ΕΠΙ. BCD Thessaly 183 (same dies). Extremely rare. Obverse a bit off centre, gVF. 500

1661 Circa 356-342 BC. AR Didrachm [12,17 gm, 26,55 mm]. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly left,

hair in ampyx, wearing necklace / Bridled horse prancing right; ΛAPI above, ΣAIΩN in exergue. BCD

Thessaly II 301-4. Double struck, EF. 2.000

1670 Circa 460-440 B.C. AR Tetradrachm [17,14 gm, 22,10 mm]. Head of Athena right, wearing multiple

pendant necklace, round earring, and crested Attic helmet ornamented with three olive leaves over visor

and spiral palmette on bow / ΑΘΕ, owl with closed wings standing three-quarters right, olive spring and

crescent moon behind, all in incuse square. Starr 183; BMC 62. EF. 400

1679 Circa 155-143 BC. AR Tetradrachm [16,90 gm, 33,60 mm]. Stephanophoric type. Kallias, magistrate.

Head of the Amazon Kyme right, wearing tainia / Horse prancing right; one-handled cup below raised

foreleg, KYMAIΩN to right, KAΛΛIAΣ below; all within wreath. Oakley dies 13/b; SNG von Aulock 1636;

SNG Copenhagen 103; SNG Fitzwilliam 4313. EF. 500

1680 Circa 150-142 BC. AR Tetradrachm [17,07 gm, 31,50 mm]. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic

helmet, bowl decorated with vine scroll, Pegasus above upturned cheek flap in the form of a horse

head, foreparts of five horses above brow line / HPAKΛEΩTΩN, horizontal club; owl standing right

below, flanked by complex monograms to left and right; all within oak wreath. SNG von Aulock 1976-

1977; SNG Lockett 2824.EF. 800

1687 Circa 350-320 BC. AV Stater [9,14 gm, 17,75 mm]. Head of Tanit left, hair wreathed with grain ears,

wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace with eight pendants; dotted border / Horse standing right on

exergual line; three pellets to lower right at knee height, dotted border. Jenkins & Lewis, Group IIIg. Nice

VF. 1.200

1698 AR Tetradrachm [16,01 gm, 32,25 mm]. Antioch mint. Dated SE 169 (144/3 BC). Radiate and diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ above, ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΥ below, the Dioscuri galloping left; below, date ΘΞΡ; to right ΤΡΥ over monogram of ΙΑΡ and ΣΤΑ; all within laurel wreath. SMA 219 var. (reverse monogram). EF. 1.000

1718 AR Denarius [3,99 gm, 18,00 mm]. Rome mint. Q• ME TE, head of Roma to right, wearing winged

helmet, pendant earring and pearl necklace; before, star (mark of value) / ROMA, Jupiter standing in

slow quadriga to right, holding thunderbolt in his left hand and branch in his right. Babelon (Caecilia) 21;

Crawford 256/1; RBW 1042; Sydenham 509. Nicely toned EF. 100

1732 A R Denarius [3,93 gm, 18,85 mm]. Military mint traveling with Caesar. Obv.: elephant advancing right, trampling on horned serpent / Emblems of the pontificate: simpulum, aspergillum, securis, and apex.

Crawford 443/1; CRI 9; Sydenham 1006; RSC 49. Flatness in areas, otherwise EF. 400

1746 Æ Sestertius [25,39 gm, 31,8 mm]. Rome mint. Struck May-June 238 AD. IMP CAES M CLOD

PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / VICT ORIA AVGG,

Victory standing facing, head left, holding wreath and palm branch; S-C across field. RIC IV 23a; Banti

12. aVF. 200

1810 Circa 540-510, AR Nomos [7,65 gm, 25,8 mm]. META, ear of barley / the same, incuse. Noe 123

(unlisted dies); SNG Copenhagen 1167; SNG München 935; HN 1479. Nicely toned, gVF.

Rauch Auction 50, lot 45, April 1993 300

1820 Circa 480-430 BC. AR Nomos [7,98 gm, 19,2 mm]. Dumpy incuse type. Tripod, legs surmounted by

wreaths and terminating in lion's feet / Incuse eagle flying right, leg in relief. HN Italy 2108; SNG ANS

294-7. Some marks and minor scraches, nice VF. Purchased from G. Henzen October, 1998 (The Hague coin fair) 200

1831 Circa 430-420 BC. AR Tetradrachm [17,57 gm, 24,5 mm]. Laureate head of Apollo left / Lion's head with protruding tongue left, surrounded by three barley grains and a laurel leaf. SNG ANS 257; Rizzo pl.

24,4. EF. Purchased from Rietdijk Auctions, June 2000, Auction 369, lot 801 1200

1838 Philistis, wife of Hieron II. 275-215 BC. AR 16 Litrai [13,32 gm, 25,6 mm]. Struck circa 240-218/5 BC.

Diademed and veiled head left / Nike driving slow quadriga right; crescent above, A to right. CCO 219

var. (D21/R– [unlisted rev. die]); BAR Issue 65; HGC 2, 1554. Toned gVF. Purchased from A.J. Zoutendijk, June 2000 400

1844 Circa 310-290 BC. Electrum Stater [7,47 gm, 18,4 mm]. Head of Tanit left, wreathed with grain,

wearing triple pendant earring and necklace with multiple pendants, pellet before neck / Horse standing

right, two pellets below exergual line. Jenkins & Lewis Group V 299.1 (sames dies). Nice VF. Purchased from F. Javorsek, November 1996 1400

1872 305-281 BC. AV Stater [8,51 gm, 20 mm]. Byzantion mint. Struck circa 100-96. Diademed head of

Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ – ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Athena

seated left, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on

shield decorated with lion's head; behind, transverse spear; in inner left field, monogram; on throne, BY;

in exergue, filleted trident to left. SNG Copenhagen 1086-94 (unlisted monogram). gVF.

Purchased from Mr. Datema, December 2019 (Berkel Enschot coin fair) 1.000

1882 AV Stater [8,59 gm, 18,7 mm]. Amphipolis mint. Circa 340/336-328 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Charioteer driving biga right; trident head below horses, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ in exergue.

Le Rider 327 (D57/R250). Nice VF. Purchased from F. Javorṡek, June 1999 1.400

2074 AV Daric [8,35 gm, 16,1 mm]. Persian king or hero in kneeling-running position right, holding spear and bow; quiver over shoulder / Rectangular incuse punch. Carradice Type IIIb A/B. Fine Style. gVF.

Purchased from F. Javorṡeck, Febuary (The Hague Holland Coin Fair) 900

2155 Mazaios, satrap of Cilicia and Cappadocia. Circa 361-334 BC. AR Stater [10,75 gm, 23,7 mm]. Baaltars seated left, holding eagle, ear of corn and bunch of grapes in right hand, lotus-headed sceptre in left, Aramaic legend 'BLTRZ' = Baaltars, to right, Aramaic letters on left and below seat / Lion attacking a

bull to left, Aramaic legend 'MZDI' (= Mazaios) above; monogram below. SNG BN Paris 335; SNG

Levante 106. EF. Purchased from F. Javorschek, October 1996 500

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