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Vorbericht zu den Karel de Geus Muntveilingen BV Auktionen 57 und 58 vom 6. bis 8. Mai 2024


Das niederländische Auktionshaus Karel de Geus Muntveilingen BV versteigert vom 6. bis 8. Mai zahlreiche Lose. Am 7. Mai kommt eine umfangreiche Sammlung indischer Münzen unter den Hammer. Ausgewählte Stücke stellen wir Ihnen im Folgenden vor. Ende März wird der vollständige Katalog mit sämtlichen Abbildungen online sein.

1637: Early Bactria, Attic standard 'Athenian Series' AR Tetradrachm (15.82 gm), uncertain mint in the Oxus region, circa 261-239/8 BC. Head of Athena right, wearing earring and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves over visor and a spiral palmetto / Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and crescent behind, AΘE before. Hoover 1; MIG.13; Cf. Bopearachchi, Sophytes Series 1A. Extremely Rare. aXF. 1000€

1939: Bactrian Greeks, Attic standard AR Tetradrachm (16.99 gm). Diademed bust of Eukratides I in horned Boeotian helmet right. / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΕΥΚΡΑΤΙΔΟΥ / Dioskouroi charging right on horseback, with couched spears and holding palm branches., Monogram to right. Mint: Bactria. MAC. 1711; Bop. series 6-E; MIG; Hoover 131. Brilliant XF-UNC. 1000€

1642: Bengals, Anonymous issue, AV Dinara (5.69 gm), Gupta inspired type. King facing left holding a bow in his left hand, arrow with right, a conch shell standard left, dotted border around / Female winged figure, apparently a deity (Lakshmi?) holding an object in right hand (lotus bud?). S.K. Bose / Noman Nasir: Early Coinage of Bengal, Type 3.5; Mitchiner: Coinage and History of Bangladesh; Fr.112; Pieper (2021) 3717. XF. 700€

1682: Gupta Empire, AV Dinara (7.86 gm), Archer type. King standing, holding bow in left hand and arrow in right hand. Garuda standard on his right. Right field: ‘Chandra’ / Lakshmi seated facing cross-legged upon lotus: ‘Sri Vikramah’. MAC 4796; Fr. 71; ZENO 323591. XF. 800€

1716: Kidarites, Scyphate AV Dinara (7.36 gm), NM (Balkh). King standing left; wearing a crenelated crown with a globe on top between two broad ribbons Standing before a small altar on the left, above trident with ribbons; holding trident in left hand. Tamga (S 82) in right field; various additional by-marks. Bactrian legend around: ‘bio kidaro oozorko košhano šao’ (= Lord Kidara, Prince, Kushan King) / Oesho (Shiva) standing in front of a bull (always unclear), holding trident. Vondrovec( 2014) type 84; Göbl(1984) Em. 735; MAC 1314; Joe Cribb: The Kidarites, The Numismatic Evidence, in Coins Art and Chronology (2010), p.91-146, fig.15. Obverse beautifully well struck, XF. 900€

1726: Kushan Empire, AV Dinar (7.94 gm). Mint A. 1st emission. ÞΔONΔNOÞAO O OhÞKI KOÞαhO, diademed and crowned half-length bust of Huvishka left on clouds, flames at shoulder, holding mace-scepter in right hand and goad in left / MIIPO up left, Miiro (Mithra), radiate and nimbate, standing right, holding diadem in right hand and goad in left; with personal tamgha of Kanishka to right. Göbl type 136; Rosenfield 118; Fr. 21; ZENO 323604Superb XF. 2000€

1732: Kushan Empire, AV Dinara (7.81 gm). King standing left, sacrificing at altar, trident standard behind / OhÞO up left, Oesho (Shiva) standing facing, holding trident and diadem, the bull Nandi standing behind, wearing bell around neck. According to Joe Cribb, both obverse and reverse die have not been seen before. rf. Göbl 509; Rosenfield 216; Fr. 23; ZENO 323641. Extremely Rare. Brilliant XF. 2000€

1760: Local and Princely States, AV Ashrafi or Mohur (10.73 gm) i.n.o. Shah Alam II, mint: Suba Awadh, Dar al-Amarat Lakhnau, AH1234/Ry.26. KM 150; Fr. 1005. Extremely fine. 2000€

1796: Local and Princely States, AV ¼ Ashrafi (2.77 gm), Char Minar gateway with full “Ain”, AH1342/Ry.13. Y. 55; Fr. 1167. EF. 500€

1797: Local and Princely States, AV ½ Ashrafi (5.61 gm), Char Minar gateway with full “Ain”, AH1342/Ry.14. Y. 56.2; Fr. 1166. Brilliant EF/UNC. 1500€

1798: Local and Princely States, AV Ashrafi (11.14 gm), Char Minar gateway with full “Ain”, AH1344/Ry.15. Y. 57; Fr. 1165. Brilliant EF/UNC. 2000€

1838: Local and Princely States, AV Mohur (10.95 gm), n.d. (1858-1920). Nagari “Chitarkot/Udaipur” / “Dosti Londhun” (Friendship with London). Well centred full flan. Y. 12; Fr. 1326.  EF/UNC. 1000€

1870: Local and Princely States, AV Mohur (10.69 gm) i.n.o. Ahmad Shah Durrani (frozen legend), n.d (1813-45). C. 35; Fr. 1080. Attractive bold EF. 1000€

1880: Local and Princely States, AR Tanka (10.72 gm), SE 1522 (1600). Lord Krishna standing on lion facing left, playing flute, one gopi on right side, date (Saka 1522) below / Bengali legend, names of the King and the Queen "Sri Sri Yuta Ja/so Manikya De/va Sri Gauri La/kshmi Maha Devyah", in four lines. The type with one gopi is much rarer than the type featuring two gopis. RB 192; KM 108. Very Rare. Choice gVF. 500€.

1897: Mughal Empire, AV Mohur (10.93 gm), obv.: Kalima within wavy pentagon, four khalifas names around / rev.: name and titles of Akbar, date AH977 in field, mint: Agra, Dar al-Khilafat. KM 105.2; Fr. 718a. EF. 800€

1898: Mughal Empire, AV Mohur (10.76 gm.), obv.: Kalima in dotted square, date lower left, rev. Akbar's name and mint in dotted Mihrabi-shape border, mint: Agra, Dar al-Khilafat, AH985. KM 108.1; Fr. 719a. gVF. 800€

1934: Nawabs of Bengal, AV Mohur (11.09 gm) i.n.o. Muhammad Shah, mint: Azimabad (Patna), AH115x/Ry.21. Listed under Mughals, KM 438.30 ; Fr. 831. Very rare. EF. 1000€

1953: Sikh Empire, Emergency AV Rupee, VS1905, struck by Diwan Mulraj during the siege of Multan (April 1848-Jan. 1849). Obv.: “sahai satguru” (May the true teacher help) / rev.: 1905 / “mundarka” (Siege). Herrli 11.09.04; KM 87; Fr. 1395. Extremely rare. EF. 800€

1966: Sultans of Dehli, AV Tanka (11.01 g.), mint and date off flan. G/G D300-3; Fr. 443-5. EF. 600€

1967: Sultans of Dehli, AV Tanka (11.05 gm) i.n.o. the ‘Abbasid Caliph al-Hakim II. n.d. G/G D440; Fr. 476. EF. 600€

1978: Sultans of Malwa, AV Tanka (11.04 gm), Shahada and date AH837 in numerals in margin. G/G M1; Fr. 632. Rare. EF. 1000€

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