Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Partners!
Welcome to our Jubilee Auction 100 — Rare Coins and Banknotes of the World.
Thank you for staying with our company for 16 years. Throughout this month, we have received numerous suggestions from you regarding the organization of Auction 100, and we have decided to hold our 100th Jubilee Auction as a Floor Auction with Online bidding.
Live Auction Schedule:
Session 1. 23rd of November. 11-00 CET.
1 — 34. Coins — Ancient World.
35 — 200. Coins — Austria-Hungary.
201 — 238. Coins — Czech & Slovak.
239 — 521. Coins — Europe: Great Britain, Italy.
522 — 587. Coins — Asia.
588 — 625. Coins — Middle East.
626 — 631. Coins — Australia & Oceania.
632 — 712. Coins — Africa.
713 — 823. Coins — America.
Session 2. 24th of November. 13-00 CET.
824 — 1018. German Coins of all periods.
1019 — 1237. Russian Coins of all periods.
1238 — 1244. Paper Money — Australia & Oceania.
1245 — 1275. Paper Money — Asia.
1276 — 1287. Paper Money — Czech & Slovak.
1288 — 1353. Paper Money — Europe.
1354 — 1388. Paper Money — exUSSR & Independent States.
1389 — 1433. Paper Money — Russia: Imperial, RSFSR, USSR, Modern. Regional & Private Issues.
1434 — 1447. Paper Money — Middle East.
1448 — 1462. Paper Money — Africa.
1463 — 1480. Paper Money — America.
Viewing of lots will be available in our office from 13.11.2023 every day from 11.00 to 17.00 and on 22nd and 23rd from 9.00. Viewing is also possible in different time and on the weekend by arrangement in advance.
Bid with confidence!
We guarantee the authenticity of any lot offered and full refund of all costs occured in case the item turns out to be not genuine.
The Floor Auction will take place in the
There will also be the Christmas Sberatel — Collector Fair in Prague at this time. It will be held November 24 – 25, at Hotel Olympik Congress. Therefore, you can combine your visit to the fair and our Room Auction. We would be very grateful if you let us know in advance that you plan to come to our Room Auction! For any friends who can't join us in person, we will be happy to see you on a Live Online Auction 100 at the same time! Also, if you are interested in following the offline auction, we will be streaming it on our YouTube channel and social media.

N° 49 | Austrian States Tyrol Guldiner 1486 RR, Description:
Dav. 8087.; Silver; Erzherzog Sigismund „Der Münzreiche", 1477 - 1496. Guldiner (Uncialis) 1486, Hall (Tirol). Stempel von Wenzel Kröndl. 31.29 g. Extremely rare coin in this condition.; XF, nice dark patina.

N° 51 | Austrian States Tyrol Guldiner 1490 - 1519 (ND) RR, Description:
Egg 15; M./T. 83; Voglh. 3.; Silver; Maximilian I, 1490-1519. Guldiner o. J. (nach 1511), Hall. Schaustück, geprägt zur Erinnerung an seine 1. Hochzeit, daher auch Hochzeitsguldiner genannt. Stempel von Ulrich Ursenthaler. 30,40 g. * MAXIMILIAN9 • MAGNANIM9 • ARCHIDVX • AVSTRIE • BVRGVND Jugendliches Brustbild Maximilians I. r. mit Ehrenkranz und umgelegtem Mantel, zu den Seiten ETA - TIS • 19 •//* MARIA • KAROLI • FILIA ° HERES • BVRGVND ° BRAB • CONIVGES Jugendliches Brustbild seiner Gemahlin Maria von Burgund im Alter von 20 Jahren r, unter dem Brustbild die Jahreszahl 1479, zu den Seiten • ETAT - IS • Z0 •. Numismatic Rarity. One of the best known pieces.; XF, nice dark patina.

N° 62 | Bohemia Wallenstein Taler 1629 RR, Description:
Dav. 3450; Nechanicky 112, Noh./Pr. Tf. VIII,68, Fr.uS 2048.; Silver; Albrecht von Wallenstein 1627-1634. Thaler 1629 -Sagan-. Bust portrait in decorated armor with a stiffened stand-up collar almost from the front / Multi-field coat of arms covered by the fleece order chain under a prince's hat, on the sides the initials GE of the mint Gottfried Ehrlich.; VF+.

N° 70 | Transylvania Taler 1684, Description:
Dav. 4820; Resch 255.; Silver; Prince of Transylvania Michael Apafi, 1661-1690. Reichstaler 1684 (year changed in stamp from 1683) Alba Iulia / Weissenburg / Karlsburg.; VF-XF, nice patina.

N° 128 | Austria 4 Dukat 1885 "Shooting Festival in Innsbruck Gold Prize" NGC PF63 ULTRA CAMEO Top Pop, Description: Morosini# 1680, J# 298, Frühwald# 1914; Gold 13.95 g, 29 mm, Proof; Franz Josef I; By A. Scharff & A. Busson; Obv: Bust of Franz Joseph I and the inscription FRANC• IOS•KAISER•V•OESTER•ETC•G•V•TIROL Rev: Austrian Imperial Eagle and the inscription ZWEITES•OESTER•BVNDES - SCHIESSEN•INNSBRVCK•1885; Only 4 medals were graded in such a high grade in NGC.

N° 147 | Austria 100 Corona 1913, Description:
KM# 2819, Fr# 507, N# 15147; Gold (.900) 33.87 g.; Franz Joseph I; Mintage 2696 pcs.; Proof with minor hairlines.

N° 166 | Hungary Taler 1614 KB RR, Description:
Dav. 3054; Voglh. 114 I.; Silver; Matthias, 1608-1612-1619. Reichstaler 1614 KB, Kremnitz. Very rare in this condition.; XF, nice patina.

N° 840 | German States Brandenburg-Prussia Reichstaler 1675, Description:
Dav. 6200; v. Schr. 2194.; Silver; Friedrich Wilhelm, der Große Kurfürst, 1640-1688. Berlin, auf den Sieg der Brandenburger bei Fehrbellin am 18. Juni. 28,45 g. Der geharnischte Kurfürst reitet r. mit Schwert in der erhobenen Rechten, unten ein Teil des Schlachtfeldes: l. drei Kanonen, r. Infanterie auf Brücke am Waldesrand//13 Zeilen Schrift. Cabinet piece. Numismatic rarity. The piece deserves to be in the collection of museum level.; UNC with full mint luster & beautiful patina. Unbeliavable piece.

N° 869 | German States Hanau-Munzenberg Grafschaft Konventionstaler 1764 IIE Extremely Rare, Description:
KM# 93, Dav# 2286, Hoffmeister 5024, Schütz 2042; Silver 27.84 g; Maria von England, Vormund für ihren Sohn Wilhelm IX. von Hessen-Kassel, 1760-1764 Konventionstaler 1764, Hanau. Büste rechts mit umgelegtem Mantel und Perlenschmuck im Haar, am Armabschnitt die Signatur I.I.E (Johann Enke, Münzmeister in Hanau 1740-1770) / Gekröntes Doppelwappen, darunter die Signatur D (Charlotte Rebekka Damiset, Stempelschneiderin in Hanau 1762-1764). Prachtexemplar mit feiner Patina äußerst selten Erstabschlag Winzige Kratzer und Schrötlingsfehler. Laut Hoffmeister sind von diesem Taler möglicherweise nur 18 Exemplare geprägt worden. Description is taken from Busso Peus Auction 424 lot 1117.

N° 885 | German States Konigsegg-Rothenfels Dukat 1756 NGC MS62, Description:
KM# 5, Fr# 1430, Ebner# 1, Hermann# 223; Gold (.986) 3.47 g; Franz Hugo; Vienna Mint; Top Grade%21 KÖNIGSEGG-ROTHENFELS. FÜRSTENTUM. Franz Hugo, 1737-1771 und seine Brüder. Dukat 1756, Wien. FRANC : HVG : S : R : I : COM : A • - KÖNIGSEGG ° & • ROTTENFELS Geharnischtes Brustbild r. mit umgelegtem Mantel, darunter die Signatur G • T • F • (Giovanni Toda, Münzmeister in Wien 1739-1756)//* DOM : IN • AVLEND : & • STAVFF : S : S : C : & • R : M : M : CONS : INTHIM : ACTVA : 1756 • Behelmtes Wappen.; UNC; Extremely rare coin.

N° 895 | German States Nurnberg Taler 1688, Description:
Dav# 5663, Erlanger# 630, Forster# 866, Kellner# 260; Silver 29.27 g; Rathaus Thaler mit offenen Türen o.J. (1688) von P.H. Müller; Obv: Stadtansicht von Osten unter strahlendem Dreieck Rev: Sitzende Noris mit Füllhorn und Stab, daneben zwei Stadtschilde, im Hintergrund das Rathaus mit offenen Türen; Feine Patina; UNC with minor hairlines & beautiful patina; Unmounted.

N° 894 | German States Memmingen Taler 1712, Description:
KM# 20, Dav# 2446, Sch# 7129, Förster# 381; Silver 29.28 g; Obv: CAROL-VI-D-G-R.-I-S-A-G-H-H-B· REX; Rev: MUNUS REIPUBLICÆ MEMMINGENSIS. great dark patina and mint luster. Extremely rare coin in only several pieces ever sold in auctions. XF in Krause is 9000%24%21 Kuenker 201/0635.; AUNC/UNC with a great dark patina and mint luster.

N° 930 | German States Saxony-Albertine Taler 1765 "Prize Thaler" NGC MS62, Description:
KM# 985, Dav GT II# 2686, Schnee# 1070, Buck# 130, Müseler# 56.1.4/4, N# 192113; Silver; Friedrich August III; Xavier, Prince Regent (1763-1768); Commemorating the Freiberg Mining Academy. Mintage: only 220 pieces%21 A fully detailed coin displaying a glass-like gleam in the fields with a captivating reverse pictorial scene that displays three allegorical genii (plural of genius) performing various tasks in a mountain mining camp. Prooflike surface.

N° 934 | German States Saxony Vereinsdoppeltaler 1847 F RARITY, Description:
Dav# 995, Kahnt# 456, Thun# 324; Silver 37.09 g; Friedrich August II; 1847 association double thaler for a premium of the academy of forestry experts and farmers in Tharandt. One of the rarest German silver commemorative coins with a mintage of only 50 pieces%21 UNC/Prooflike almost without traces of time.; Sachsen Doppeltaler 1847 - Prämie der Akademie für Forst- und Landwirte in Tharandt. Von großer Seltenheit. Nur 50 Exemplare geprägt. UNC.

N° 956 | German States Wied-Runkel Reichstaler 1762 SF (1767) NGC MS63+, Description:
Dav# 2854, Müller-Jahncke / Volz 434; Müseler 76.2 / 1, Schneider 96; Silver, 29.26 g; Christian Ludwig; Reichstaler 1762 (minted 1767), Frankfurt; On Christian Ludwig's marriage to Charlotte Sophia Augusta von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, minted at the suggestion of the Weyer mine; Obv: Both busts opposite each other; Rev: View of the castle and the town of Runkel with the Lahn in the foreground, mountainous landscape in the background; Magnificent specimen, very rare. Wied-Runkel, Grafschaft. Christian Ludwig, 1762-1791 Reichstaler 1762 (geprägt 1767), Frankfurt, auf seine Vermählung mit Charlotte Sophia Augusta von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, geprägt auf Anregung der Grube Weyer. Beider Büsten einander gegenüber / Ansicht der Burg und der Stadt Runkel mit der Lahn im Vordergrund, im Hintergrund bergige Landschaft. Prachtexemplar sehr selten. Dr. Busso Peus Nachfolger Auktion 424, Nr. 2169. Sold for 28000 plus %. Top piece.; UNC; Lustrous & nicely toned.

N° 1007 | Germany - Empire Wurttemberg 3 Mark 1916 F Pattern PCGS PR65, Description:
J# 178, N# 303270; Silver, Proof; Wilhelm II; Stuttgart Mint; 25 Years of Reign; Rare and very interesting collectible piece. One of the rarest coins of Kaiserreich series.

N° 1187 | Russia 1 Rouble 1914 BC "Gangut" PROOF R2 NGC PF62 CAMEO, Description:
Bit# 337 (R2), Conros# 319/1, N# 26854; Silver., Proof; In commemoration of the bicentenary of the Gangut battle; An amazing coin with a mirror field and beautiful patina. Extremely rare original strike, not a later common Soviet type. The only coin ever graded as CAMEO. Probably the best coin out of ever offered in auctions.

N° 1030 | Russia 1 Rouble 1730, Description:
Bit# 17, Conros# 55/11; Silver 28.57 g.; Parallel Bodice & 5 Shoulder Pads with Festoons.; UNC with mint luster.

N° 265 | Croatia Zara Occupation 9 Francs 20 Centimes 1813 (2 Ounces) NGC MS64, Description:
KM# 2, Dav ECT# 48, N# 52925; Silver; City of Zara (modern day Zadar); French siege coinage; The siege of Zara was a military event that took place between 22 November and 5 December 1813, during the Adriatic Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. During the siege, an Anglo-Austrian force under the command of George Cadogan in HMS Havannah blockaded and bombarded Zara, which was then held by a French garrison. Within two weeks, the garrison surrendered to the attackers.; UNC.

N° 801 | United States 1 Dollar 1878 Proof Pattern PCGS PR65 RB, Description:
Judd# 1554b; Copper; This coin is undoubtedly an exceptional numismatic treasure. What sets this coin apart is its exquisite patina and stunning red mint luster that graces its surface. The patina, a rich and nuanced layer of color that has developed over the years, adds character and depth to the coin's appearance. The red mint luster, with its vibrant and reflective qualities, gives the coin a dazzling and almost ethereal glow. The fields of the coin, with their prooflike finish, create a mirror-like backdrop that enhances the coin's overall visual appeal. This work of art deserves a place of honor in any numismatic collection.

N° 747 | Colombia 8 Escudos 1830 RS PCGS MS63, Description:
KM# 82.1, N# 48295; Gold (.875) 27.07 g.; UNC with full mint luster.

N° 625 | Yemen 1 Riyal d'Or / 4 Sovereigns / 5 Lires 1958 AH 1377 NGC MS61 Top Pop, Description:
Y# G17.2, Fr# 8, N# 63078; Gold (.900) 28.26 g; Ahmad bin Yahya; Sanaa Mint; Extremely rare off-metal strike. Top Pop in NGC; Undergraded in our opinion; UNC with full mint luster.

N° 25 | Roman Empire Gordian III AV Aureus 240 AD NGC AU5/5 - ⅘, Description:
RIC# 42, Calico# 3205; Gold 4.88 g.; Gordian III (AD 238-244); Rome Mint; Obv: IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / Rev: LIBERALITAS AVG II, Liberalitas standing facing, head left, holding abacus and cornucopiae; With mint luster.

N° 316 | Great Britain 5 Guinea 1701 "Fine Work" PCGS UNC, Description:
KM# 508, Sp# 3456, Fr# 310; Gold (.917) 41.83 g.; William III; Obv: GVLIELMVS III DEI GRA. Laureate bust right; Rev: MAG BR FRA ET HIB REX 1701.; UNC Details - graffity; Mint luster.
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