Im Folgenden lesen Sie einen kurzen Nachbericht der 195. Chris Rudd Auktion vom 14. Juli 2024 in englischer Sprache. Dabei werden drei besondere keltische Münzen herausgestellt.
Prestigious pieces achieve premium prices
Some strong prices for Celtic coins were achieved in Chris Rudd’s 14 July sale in Norwich. A
common theme amongst the most sought-after coins is that they were from old collections with
firm provenance, giving collectors that added reassurance. For instance, a Good Very Fine
Dubnovellaunos Metalworker silver unit of the Cantiaci tribe, recorded at the Celtic Coin Index in
1990 and originally purchased from Chris Rudd in 2007, had been in the John D Watkins and Tony
Abramson collections and achieved £1300.
A beautiful Cheriton Smiler, Eyelash Type gold stater from the Belgae of Hampshire tribe sold for
£1800. It came from the Burford collection and was sold by a London auction house in 2007 “as
part of a special collection. Property of a gentleman.”
A new type, previously unrecorded and possibly unique, was the Extremely Fine Selsey Wheel
gold quarter stater, a coin of the Atrebates and Regini tribe of the southern region, which sold for
£3000. It was found at Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire in 1988 and came from the prestigious
Royal Berkshire collection.
The next Chris Rudd all-Celtic sale is on Sunday 15 September 2024.
Dubnovellaunos Metalworker silver unit,
c.25 BC-AD 5. ABC 324.
Good VF, ex Watkins & Abramson collections.
Cheriton Smiler. Eyelash Type gold stater,
c.55-45 BC. ABC–.
Good EF. Ex Burford collection.
Selsey Wheel gold quarter stater,
c.AD 10-40. ABC–.
Possibly Unique, ex Royal Berkshire collection.
For more information contact Chris Rudd, tel: (44) 1263 735 007,